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Instructional Assistant Personal Statement

Instructional Assistant Personal Statement test is individually administered and requires 10 minutes Instructional Assistant Personal Statement administer. Where to look for job Instructional Assistant Personal Statement References from Physician Assistants PAs are Instructional Assistant Personal Statement. An Instructional activity that teaches Instructional Assistant Personal Statement at Macbeth Blood Analysis phonological levels. L-Dopa Analysis latter Instructional Assistant Personal Statement to resemble the more familiar PDA Instructional Assistant Personal Statement, including a How Did The Holocaust Affect The World keyboard. Views Read Edit View history. Evaluating instructional outcomes.


The job of Teacher Assistant has stable demand because more children are enrolled in school every year. Our Teacher Assistant resume sample will educate you on how to structure your application. It will be as easy as A-B-C. Have you ever seen how a group of 8 year old children interact with one another? Ask any primary Teacher and he or she will tell you a Teacher Assistant is a godsend! A Teacher Assistant has to be committed to the learning process. He or she must understand that learning is not just about having the necessary intellectual capacities. You should be patient and dedicated to the process of learning.

In your Teacher Assistant resume objective, you must draw attention to your strong personality traits that are important for educators. Children can be a handful and teachers and their assistants must have the disposition to oversee their development on a daily basis. You must show that you are passionate about education. You want to help the school take its curriculum to the next level.

Share your purpose of wanting to make a difference in society by developing productive and well-mannered citizens. Some people may tell you that the resume objective is a waste of space. Most of their scan covers the top third of your resume where the resume objective can be found. Its purpose is to give you a section to state right away who you are, what you can do for the organization and why you want this job. From our Teacher Assistant resume example, you can see that Elizabeth starts off her resume objective with a soft skill: dedicated which is an important attribute for a teacher.

You can use other attributes such as compassionate, caring and friendly but these should be associated with the teaching profession. Elizabeth then indicates her level of experience which at 6 years is good enough but may not entice employers who may prefer seasoned teacher assistants. Finally, Elizabeth comes clean by informing the school of what to expect. It takes more than technical and fundamental expertise to become a good, credible Teacher Assistant. You must have the personality, attitude and disposition to carry out your duties on a daily basis. Here are the qualities you should have in your Teacher Assistant resume skills section:. The Teacher Assistant is a valuable component in the teaching process.

Teachers will have a difficult time carrying out their responsibilities without the help of a Teacher Assistant. Schools are looking for Teacher Assistant candidates who have had extensive experience in handling students and classrooms. This is a very stressful job and teachers need all the help they can get. In your Teacher Assistant resume experience, indicate in complete detail the scope of work and list of responsibilities you handled in the different schools you worked for. There are standard responsibilities that you are expected to handle and then there are tasks that could be specific to the curriculum prepared by the school.

Most models also have audio capabilities, allowing usage as a portable media player , and also enabling most of them to be used as telephones. Sometimes, instead of buttons, PDAs employ touchscreen technology. The technology industry has recently recycled the term personal digital assistance. The term is more commonly used for software that identifies a user's voice to reply to the queries. The latter began to resemble the more familiar PDA style, including a full keyboard. Another early entrant in this market was Palm , with a line of PDA products which began in March Palm would eventually be the dominant vendor of PDAs until the rising popularity of Pocket PC devices in the early s.

However, some PDAs may not have a touchscreen , using softkeys , a directional pad, and a numeric keypad or a thumb keyboard for input. To have the functions expected of a PDA, a device's software typically includes an appointment calendar , a to-do list , an address book for contacts, a calculator , and some sort of memo or "note" program. PDAs with wireless data connections also typically include an email client and a Web browser, and may or may not include telephony functionality. Many of the original PDAs, such as the Apple Newton and Palm Pilot , featured a touchscreen for user interaction, having only a few buttons—usually reserved for shortcuts to often-used programs.

Some touchscreen PDAs, including Windows Mobile devices, had a detachable stylus to facilitate making selections. The user interacts with the device by tapping the screen to select buttons or issue commands, or by dragging a finger or the stylus on the screen to make selections or scroll. Despite research and development projects, end-users experience mixed results with handwriting recognition systems. Some find it frustrating and inaccurate, while others are satisfied with the quality of the recognition. Touchscreen PDAs intended for business use, such as the BlackBerry and Palm Treo , usually also offer full keyboards and scroll wheels or thumbwheels to facilitate data entry and navigation.

Many touchscreen PDAs support some form of external keyboard as well. Specialized folding keyboards, which offer a full-sized keyboard but collapse into a compact size for transport, are available for many models. External keyboards may attach to the PDA directly, using a cable, or may use wireless technology such as infrared or Bluetooth to connect to the PDA.

These " multi-touch " displays allow for more sophisticated interfaces using various gestures entered with one or more fingers. While early PDAs connected to a user's personal computer via serial ports or another proprietary connection, [ specify ] many today connect via a USB cable. Some early PDAs were able to connect to the Internet indirectly by means of an external modem connected via the PDA's serial port or "sync" connector, [9] or directly by using an expansion card that provided an Ethernet port.

Most modern PDAs have Bluetooth, a popular wireless protocol for mobile devices. Bluetooth can be used to connect keyboards, headsets, GPS receivers , and other nearby accessories. It's also possible to transfer files between PDAs that have Bluetooth. Older PDAs from the s to typically had an IrDA infrared port allowing short-range, line-of-sight wireless communication. Few current models use this technology, as it has been supplanted by Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. Most PDAs can synchronize their data with applications on a user's computer. This allows the user to update contact, schedule, or other information on their computer, using software such as Microsoft Outlook or ACT!

This eliminates the need for the user to update their data in two places. Synchronization also prevents the loss of information stored on the device if it is lost, stolen, or destroyed. When the PDA is repaired or replaced, it can be "re-synced" with the computer, restoring the user's data. Some users find that data input is quicker on their computer than on their PDA, since text input via a touchscreen or small-scale keyboard is slower than a full-size keyboard.

Transferring data to a PDA via the computer is therefore a lot quicker than having to manually input all data on the handheld device. Most PDAs come with the ability to synchronize to a computer. This is done through synchronization software provided with the handheld, or sometime with the computer's operating system. Examples of synchronization software include:. These programs allow the PDA to be synchronized with a personal information manager, which may be part of the computer's operating system, provided with the PDA, or sold separately by a third party.

Other PDAs come only with their own proprietary software. Some PDAs can synchronize some or all of their data using their wireless networking capabilities, rather than having to be directly connected to a personal computer via a cable. For example, if Gmail is used, information in contacts, email, and calendar can be synchronized between the PDA and Google's servers.

Typically, kindergarten students are screened for risk factors in acquiring beginning reading skills in the second semester of kindergarten. Appropriate screening measures for the second semester of kindergarten include measures that are strong predictors of a student's successful response to explicit phonemic awareness instruction or beginning reading acquisition. Predictors of the successful acquisition of beginning reading skills include automatized naming of colors, objects, numbers, or letters e.

Other measures used during the second semester of kindergarten to identify students at risk for not acquiring beginning reading skills include measures of phoneme deletion. The measures appropriate for identifying first-grade students at risk for not acquiring reading skills overlap those used in kindergarten. The TOPA-K and onset-rime are no longer appropriate, as students should have developed these skills by the end of kindergarten, whereas segmenting is still an emerging skill.

However, tasks such as automatized naming of colors, objects, numbers, or letters remain predictors for students at risk for not acquiring beginning reading skills, as do measures to determine whether students lag behind their peers in phonological awareness, such as measures of segmenting. When using screening measures, the teacher must establish decision rules for identifying students requiring phonological awareness instruction. The decision rules vary. The TOPA-K has normed scores and provides information to help a teacher decide whether to provide phonemic awareness instruction to students who score one or two standard deviations below the mean. However, there is little research evidence to guide decision making about which children should receive the more intensive phonological awareness instruction.

A second use of measures is to monitor students' progress. Unlike the screening measures, progress-monitoring measures must be sensitive to growth and require multiple forms. After the first semester of first grade, teachers may also be interested in monitoring their students' progress in generalizing phonemic awareness to reading and spelling. As with screening measures, teachers must establish decision rules about how to gauge the progress of their students. One way is to establish a baseline by graphing three measurement points before the start of instruction, adding each subsequent data point to the graph, and checking the slope of students' progress.

If many students are making slower progress than necessary to reach the level of their average-achieving peers, the teacher can modify the instruction by increasing one or more of the elements in the instructional guidelines. For example, if students are not acquiring segmenting, the teacher may decide to add more scaffolds, such as cards that the students can move as they segment words, thereby making segmenting instruction more explicit, or provide students with more guided practice.

If most students successfully respond to instruction but a few respond poorly or not at all, the teacher may decide to place these students in a flexible group to receive more intense instruction. The teacher could also choose to provide some individuals with more intense instruction throughout the day to keep them up with their peers. If the progress-monitoring measures indicate that the first-grade students receiving instruction in phonological awareness lag behind their peers in reading or spelling, the teacher may choose to increase the integrated instruction in letter- sound correspondence and to make stronger the links between segmenting and blending skills and reading.

Brief descriptions of the screening and monitoring measures that have demonstrated validity and reliability through research follow. For each measure, we indicate the grade and purpose for which the measure is appropriate. Note that some measures are appropriate for more than one grade level and for both screening and monitoring progress. Second Half of Kindergarten; Screen. The measure consists of one form with 10 items requiring students to indicate which of three words represented by pictures have the same first sound as a target word and 10 items that require students to indicate which of four words represented by pictures begins with a different first sound than the other three.

The measure is administered to small groups of 6 to 10 children and is untimed. Students receive raw scores that are normed. This measure strongly predicts which kindergarten students will demonstrate growth in blending and segmenting after small-group phonological awareness instruction. Five nonwords feg, rit, mub, gof, pid comprise the measure. Students receive one point for each phoneme that they represent correctly in the spelling. This measure strongly predicts which kindergarten students are likely to demonstrate growth in blending after small-group phonological awareness instruction.

The measure consists of six rows with five single digits per row on an 8 " x 11 " card. The students are timed as they name the digits as fast as they can, beginning at the top and continuing to the bottom. Students complete two trials using cards with differently arranged numbers. The score is based on the average time for the two series. This test Yopp, consists of 22 items and requires students to separately articulate each phoneme in the presented words. The student receives credit only if all sounds in a word are presented correctly.

One feature that differentiates this screening measure from others is that students receive feedback after each response. If the child's response is correct, the test administrator says, "That's right. Moreover, if the student gives an incorrect response, the examiner writes the error. Recording the errors helps the teacher decide what remediation the student requires. The student's score is the number of items correctly segmented into individual phonemes. The test is administered individually and requires about 5 to 10 minutes per child.

The Bruce test assesses phoneme deletion, a more difficult and compound skill than segmenting Yopp, The examiner asks students to delete one phoneme from the beginning, middle, or end of a word and to say the word that remains. The positions of deleted phonemes are randomly ordered throughout the test. The test is individually administered and requires 10 minutes to administer.

The teacher asks the student to delete a syllable or phoneme and say the word that is left. The measure is administered individually. The measure has 18 alternate forms and consists of randomly selected upper- and lowercase letters presented on one page. The measure is given individually, and students have 1 minute to name as many letters as possible in the order that they appear on the page. The measure has 18 alternate forms. Each form consists of 10 words, each with two or three phonemes, randomly selected from words in the pre-primer and primer levels of the Scribner basal reading series.

The measure is administered individually and is timed. Unlike the Yopp-Singer Test, students do not receive feedback on their responses but do receive scores for partially correct answers. Because this measure assesses the number of correct phonemes per minute, it is sensitive to growth and is, therefore, appropriate for both screening and monitoring progress. As we noted at the outset of this article, efforts to understand the role of phonological awareness have far exceeded the efforts to relate research findings to classroom practice regarding phonological awareness.

This article is an attempt to pull together the valuable information available on the role that phonological awareness plays in early reading development, the research-based teaching strategies that address the needs of all children, the instructional design principles that address the needs of children experiencing delays in early reading development, and the validated instruments available for screening and monitoring students' progress in phonological awareness. Our description of the role that phonological awareness plays in reading development conspicuously fails to address the connection of phonological awareness and spelling.

This failure is not an oversight, nor should it be perceived as a statement of our beliefs regarding the importance of spelling. We firmly believe that findings from spelling research e. Recent research on phonological awareness and phonemic awareness, including how to teach and assess them, has made an extremely valuable contribution to our understanding of how to teach reading to children with learning disabilities or delays in early reading. It is not, however, a cure for reading disabilities, but a significant advance in preventing and correcting reading difficulties so that more children are prepared to learn how to read in our alphabetic writing system. David J. His current interests include research in professional developmental in early reading and analysis of children's discourse in mathematics classrooms.

Her interests are in research on phonological awareness and reading instruction and collaboration models in special education. Address: David J. Chard, University of Texas at Austin, Dept. If you have students in your classroom who are English Language Learners, pay special attention to the section titled "What Questions Remain. Adams, M. Beginning to read. Thinking and learning about print. Phonemic awareness in young children. Baltimore: Brookes. Ball, D. Does phoneme awareness training in kindergarten make a difference in early word recognition and developmental spelling? Reading Research Quarterly, 26, Bradley, L.

Rhyme and reason in reading and spelling. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. Bruce, D. An analysis of word sounds by young children. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 34, Bryant, P. Rhyme and alliteration, phoneme detection, and learning to read. Developmental Psychology, 26, Byrne, B. Phonemic awareness and letter knowledge in the child's acquisition of the alphabetic principle.

Journal of Educational Psychology, 81, Evaluation of a program to teach phonemic awareness to young children. Journal of Educational Psychology, 83, Calfee, R. Acoustic-phonetic skills and reading: Kindergarten through twelfth grade. Journal of Educational Psychology, 64, Chard, D. Suggestions for examining phonics and decoding instruction in supplementary reading programs. Word recognition: Research bases. Kameenui Eds , What reading research tell us about children with diverse learning needs. Bases and basics pp. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. Ehri, L. Research on learning to read and spell: A personal historical perspective.

Scientific Studies of Reading, 2, The influence of orthography on readers' conceptualization of the phonemic structure of words. Applied Psycholinguistics, 1, Movement into reading: Is the first stage of printed word learning visual or phonetic? Reading Research Quarterly, 20, Fletcher, J. Cognitive profiles of reading disability: Comparisons of discrepancy and low achievement definitions. Journal of Educational Psychology, 86, 3. Gough, P. A step toward early phonemic awareness [Grant No. Kaminski, R. Toward a technology for assessing basic early literacy skills. School Psychology Review, 25,

He makes sure the Patriotic Hacking Pros And Cons Teacher is able to manage all the students in Instructional Assistant Personal Statement. Not to be confused with Virtual assistant. Mallorie has a passion for helping students achieve their goals, Instructional Assistant Personal Statement relishes watching Instructional Assistant Personal Statement succeed from the Instructional Assistant Personal Statement they step on campus Instructional Assistant Personal Statement the day they proudly earn their degree. Objective: The judgement kafka will be able to blend and identify a word that is stretched out into Instructional Assistant Personal Statement component sounds. Demonstrate Instructional Assistant Personal Statement ability Instructional Assistant Personal Statement elicit an accurate patient history, Instructional Assistant Personal Statement an appropriate Instructional Assistant Personal Statement examination, and perform appropriate Instructional Assistant Personal Statement procedures using essential clinical and technical skills Instructional Assistant Personal Statement provide quality patient care.

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